‘The Shed’ was set up by Lisa from her back garden in Highley. The Shed is a clothes bank that is accessible to everyone in the community. The clothes bank started off in a small unit in Lisa’s garden before expanding into a much bigger shed. With the help of Shropshire Towns and Rural Housing’s Community Chest fund Lisa was able to purchase the bigger shed which has made a huge difference to the amount of people her and her team can help. 


the shed sign




The Shed’s motto is “A helping hand for those in need” and a helping hand is certainly needed for many in light of the current cost of living and energy crisis. Lisa expressed that the help of the new shed has made a ‘huge difference’ and she plans on continuing her work to help as many families as possible. If you are interested in The Shed or would like to donate then please contact Lisa and her team over on her Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/theshedforthepeopleofhighley 




If you have a project in one of STAR Housing’s communities that could benefit from some additional funding of up to £750 then why not apply to the Community Chest Fund! Click on this link for full details and application criteria.


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Community Chest The Shed