Everyone has different housing needs and wherever possible we are committed to working with our partners to make sure that different needs are met. We may do this by providing adaptations that make your home more suitable for you or finding you more suitable accommodation, such as a bungalow or ground floor flat
Adaptations are split into 2 categories:
What is a minor adaptation?
Minor adaptations are defined as adaptations which cost less than £1000 to purchase and install. These can be a grab rails, lever taps, half step or sensory equipment, for example a flashing smoke alarm if you have a hearing impairment.
How do I request a minor adaptation?
Please contact our repairs team
Who will carry out minor adaptations?
Minor adaptations are done as part of our responsive repairs service. A member of staff from our repairs team will contact you to arrange a mutually convenient appointment to carry out the works.
What is the timescale for my adaption to be completed?
We aim to complete these within 1 calendar month of the initial request. For more extensive works costing over £500.00 we aim to complete these within 3 months.
What is classed as a major adaptation?
Work such as fitting level access showers, external works such as ramps and widening doors.
How do I apply to have a major adaptation carried out in my home?
To request a major adaptation you must first be referred, or refer yourself, to Social Care for an assessment by an Occupational Therapist.
To request a referral/assessment please call People to People (Shropshire Council) on 0345 678 9044.
What happens next?
Once we have received a copy of your assessment and the recommendations the request has to be approved by the Project Manager, this will be based on the number of points/banding your referral is awarded, the type of property you currently live in and whether it will meet your long term needs.
As part of this process, if there is a suitable adapted property available in your area we will arrange for your Housing Officer to visit and discuss the option of moving to alternative accommodation, which has already been adapted.
Requests for aids and adaptations will only be considered if the person with a disability or his/her partner is the tenant, or a member of the tenant's immediate family and a permanent resident in the household.
Full details are included in our Policy - Enabling Tenants to Live Independently in their Home
What is the timescale for major adaptations to be carried out?
If approval is given and subject to funding being available we aim to complete the works as follows;
External works such as ramps 1-2 months
Shower over bath - 2 months
Stairlifts - Straight - 2 months / Curved 3 months
Level access showers - 3 months
Adapted Kitchen - 3 months