If you purchased your flat or maisonette from Oswestry Borough Council, Bridgnorth District Council or Shropshire Council under the Right to Buy Scheme, you will now be a leaseholder of Shropshire Council. This lease is now managed by Shropshire Towns and Rural Housing. 

When you bought your flat or maisonette you will have purchased a long lease. This allows you and your successors to live in the property for an affixed time, usually 125 years. The block is still owned by the landlord, and the landlord will be responsible for the upkeep of the building as a whole and of any communal areas and facilities, but you as the leaseholder are responsible for everything inside your property.

You will need to consult your lease to ascertain your responsibilities and Shropshire Towns and Rural Housing responsibilities, but the following information may help as a guide:

Your responsibilities


To pay your share of the costs of managing and maintaining the common parts of your building and the management and maintenance of the communal estate areas such as cleaning and grass cutting

You will also contribute towards your share of the costs of any major repairs to your building or estate, and generally any improvements that benefit you or your flat

and all repairs to 

Plumbing such as pipework Baths Internal doors Sinks
Water tanks Toilets  Electrical wiring Floorboards
Heating Plaster Decoration within your property Annual Gas Safety Check
Glazing in windows Your entrance Fuse boards Doors


Our responsibilities


The general up keep of the building as a whole, and any communal areas and facilities

Roof & Chimneys

Rainwater Goods and Soil Pipes

Communal Pathways / Roads Stairwells

Foundations / External brickwork /

Structural walls

Drains Fencing Outside doors and window frames
External Decoration and communal internal decoration Lifts and Door Entry Communal Lighting Communal aerials


For further information please refer to your lease.