Help and Support

We offer a range of help and support if you are struggling to manage your household income. Please talk to our rents team in the first instance.

If they feel you need additional support they may ask your permission to make a referral to our Financial Support Team, who can offer debt advice and budgeting skills.

Housing Benefit

You could be eligible for help with your rent through Housing Benefit, this is processed by Shropshire Council. Follow this link to visit their website and find out more.

Benefits Calculator – what are you entitled to?

Our  benefits calculator can help you find out which benefits you could be entitled to. It's free and simple to use and the details you provide are kept anonymous.

Start The Calculator


Budgeting Tool

Use our Budgeting Tool to quickly and easily create your own personal budget plan. The budget planner is free to use and completely anonymous.

Start Budgeting Tool

Universal Credit

Our staff are fully trained to support you through Universal Credit follow the link below to find out more.